The following is the General Information on Trademark Application in Taiwan
A. Requirements
Name, nationality and address of Applicant(s)
Representation of the mark
※ A trademark may be composed of a word, design, symbol, color, sound, three-dimensional shape or a combination thereof.
A list of the wares and/or services in association with the mark
Power of Attorney (no notarization required)
Priority information, if any
B. Examination Procedure
Examination procedure will take approximately 6 months from the date of filing.
Should a rejection arise, the applicant will be given 30 days counting from the following day upon receipt of the official notice to respond to the rejection.
C. Priority claim
Under Taiwan’s trademark law, priority claims are allowed based upon reciprocal agreements with other certain countries. Applicants who are members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) may claim priority within 6 months counting from the next day of the first filing date.
Priority claim shall be made at the time of filing of the application, and a certified copy of the application admitted by the said foreign country must be submitted within 3 months from the next day of its filing date in Taiwan.
D. Issuance
A payment of registration fee must be paid within 2 months from the next day of receiving the decision of grant from TIPO (Taiwan Intellectual Property Office).
A trademark shall not be registered and published if the foregoing fees are not paid within the stipulated period.
E. Trademark Term and Renewal
A trademark term is 10 years from the date of publication of the trademark registration.
A request for renewal on trademark term shall be filed between six months before the term expiration.