On November 4, 2010, the “Memorandum of Understanding between the Taiwan Intellectual Property Office—Italian Patent and Trademark Office on the Common Purpose of Promoting the Awareness and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights” was signed by TIPO Director General Mei-Hua Wang and Italian PTO Director General Loredana Gulino in Taipei. Following France, Spain and Czech Republic, Italy is the fourth nation in the European region to have signed bilateral memorandum with TIPO.
This Memorandum mainly covers promotion of reciprocal visits of staff representatives, exchange of good practices identified and implemented by each Office, organization of events, exchange of information, and provision of suitable channels for the dissemination of information and services to users of both Parties. We believe that the signing of this Memorandum will foster closer exchange and partnership between Taiwan and Italy, and further strengthen cooperation in innovation areas to promote economic prosperity and development in both nations.
Taiwan has been active in recent years in the promotion of exchange and cooperation with European countries. Through the strengthening of bilateral relationships, we hope to expand and develop closer cooperation relationship with European nations.